
Enneagram type 4

Enneagram type 4 people are a bit sensitive. Moreover, they are great at expressing their emotions and are too creative. Furthermore, if we compare other enneagram people, it's evident that type 4 is the best one and authentic. Enneagram type 4 want to explore themselves to the core. Besides, they have much importance for their identity in their eyes. Also, they share about themselves openly with other people. Personality traits of enneagram type 4 Allows us to have a review of enneagram's personality traits: ●       Basic fear Enneagram 4 fears getting no importance. However, they are also afraid of not leaving any impression on the world. Moreover, some unhealthy enneagrams work impossible to produce themself stand out one of the crowd. ●       Basic desire The Type 4 enneagram desires to express themselves in their style. They possess their own pair of ideas. Furthermore, they always want to be unique, so they struggle to l...
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